Founder – Valeria Gayle

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“Great leaders have vision, share vision, and inspire others to create their own vision.” ~Roy Bennett

What happens when a little girl loses both parents at the age of eight? Who is responsible for raising her, teaching her, but most importantly loving her? Growing up without my parents was devastating, especially being the baby girl of seven children. After being placed in the foster care system, my aunt stepped in and took care of me and four of my siblings. Our house was always full, especially when my aunt had to work. She was a live-in nurse, so I rarely received that one on one intimate time with her. As a little girl, during such a difficult transition, this was the time when I needed her the most, my prime years that would set the course of my life. I remember the negative remarks and mean things that were done to me. Instead of using my pain as a crutch, I decided to grow and develop, pushing past every negative remark.

One thing that I am grateful for is the very close bond that I have with my siblings. Literally, we had to be each other’s keeper. There were times I felt defenseless and wanted to run away or no longer live, specifically when we were left in the care of other family members. One thing that I loved and remembered most about my childhood experience was our bi-weekly social worker and counseling meetings. Whenever they came, I felt free to express myself, to talk about what was really going on with me. I remember struggling in high school. I was bombarded with identity, confidence and isolation issues even more so when my big sisters graduated and went off to college. The loss of my grandmother was yet another blow and let down. I made a promise to God and my grandmother that I’d graduate high school and make the world a better place.

    From early childhood, I’ve always desired to be a mentor, just like those who helped me along the way. I didn’t like school enough to complete the social worker program, but I knew I had the passion to help people, a natural born passion. However, I did take courses and received certifications to work with children. In fact, I worked as an after-school counselor for three years and that really helped my passion come alive. I’ve always liked to help the youth, particularly girls. Now that I have a daughter of my own, she is the driving force behind this organization. I vow to be an advocate and nurturer for her and many other young girls. I believe that girls need positive role models with experience and wisdom to guide them along the way. They need women to create a nurturing atmosphere that is conducive for success and growth. Little Miss Proverbs 31 is a positive platform that will inspire many girls and young women to achieve the unimaginable. This platform will promote positivity and empowerment within our communities.

Little Ms. Proverbs 31 is a faith-based charitable organization that covers the seven dimensions of wellness for girls and young women as a whole. The seven dimensions of wellness focuses on building self-esteem, promotes self-care, encouraging healthy lifestyles, promoting self-awareness while providing a safe and entrusting environment. This program is uniquely designed to cater to girls ages 6-13. We offer a wide range of services such as etiquette sessions, self-defense classes, home economics, and fundamental courses. This awesome program will give girls the opportunity to maximize their potential while cultivating their God-given gifts and talents within. Our mission is to make a difference, teaching girls the importance of their role within the community. We encourage all girls regardless of race, color, creed or ethnic backgrounds. With the right tools and support, “Girls will be prepared to achieve the unimaginable”.